Thursday, October 31, 2013

Google Analytics

Blogging for business

For me and my business, i think i can get very personal on my blog since my business is photography. In my opinion, photos have a lot of personality and that it was makes some of the greatest photos so great. When doing a photoshoot, personality comes in to play a huge role, and i think that is how it should be on your blog. When your customers can know some decent information about you or your business, they may even bring it upon their friends and family that they really like you and your business and advise them to check it out for yourself. It makes sense to add personality to your business whenever you feel comfortable adding it. In my opinion, you should never add it just to try and grow. If you want to get to know your customers and want them to get to know you, i think that is a great time to add it also.

How i found my twitter connections

Since i have been familiar with Twitter for quite some time, it was not difficult at all for me to be able to find the connections that i wanted to. And knowing them personally, i know what their Twitter names are and have for a while now. I did not have to play around with words to be able to find them, i just went and typed in their name. I ended up following the people that i know and that can help promote my business and be able to get the best result from those select people.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Similar Businesses

1. EvanThompson Photography. Even is using Tumblr to show some of his photos to interest people to hire him for jobs and photoshoots around the world. He responds to the questions that his fans and followers ask him through Tumblr which will attract more people because it shows that he cares about them. Without social media and the way that he uses it, he would not be in the place that he is without it and also without his technique.

2. Sean O'Donnell, SPObabbby. Sean also uses Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram to allow himself to post pictures that he takes for fun, business, and it allows him to connect with his fans. He doesn't only use it for business, but also uses it to be able to get in contact with some businesses he would like to work with, and they can also be able to connect with him. He is uses all three of these social media outlets very effectively and it has payed off for him.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Get Visual

In todays day and age it is hard to find a successful business without them being on social media. Since I am doing a photography business social media is definitely right for me to help me grow my business and to be able to show some of my work. For me, YouTube would be the least helpful for my business because it is not really a place that you can post pictures and that is what my business is all about. Instagram is a great platform for me because it is meant for pictures and it is a place that you can post very quickly and that can be very effective. It can also show your work in a very simple way. Tumblr is also a great platform for me because you can post full size pictures and they can be easily shared with people throughout the world. Unlike Instagram, people do not have to be following your profile to be able to see your pictures. People do not have to follow you on Instagram but it is very unlikely that they will see your pictures. Personally i do not use pintrest but i think it is a great platform for businesses. It is a place that a ton of people can see your brand and products. In my opinion Tumblr would be the most effective way to share my content and grow my business.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Activity Log

These certain events will engage my audience by getting my name and photography out there for other people or companies to hire me for their photo needs. A photoshoot with Click Model Management will help me reach out to other companies or have them reach out to me for business since i would have Click as a good reference. A photoshoot with Sean will help me grow and reach out to different types of audiences. Whether it is for modeling, acting, singing, or just if you want your pictures taken. And a christmas card with the Brooks brothers will help me grow my audience to families who want their family pictures taken for cards, or just their house.

Why i liked the pages i liked

The reason i liked the pages I did on my FaceBook page is because they all have one thing in common and that is being able to work for them and helping them out as they help me out. The pages that i liked i have either already worked for or i am in contact to be working with them in the near future and that is why i chose them. They will help grow my business because they all have a large fan base and not only is that good for me, but it is good for them to be able to share what we are working on for the future.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Difference between post reach and post engagement

Post Reach tells the user how many people have seen the post in their newsfeed.
Post Engagement tells you how many people are interacting with your content which means how many posts, likes, shares, comments, or clicks.

Businesses can benefit from these features by telling who is interested in their business. They can better their customers by seeing that they have commented on their post and be able to answer whatever questions that their customers might have.