Thursday, November 21, 2013

Using Other Social Media Tools

1) Google+   - I feel like i could integrate Google+ into my strategy and my business in an easy and a very effective way. Being able to share your photos with others and other photographers around the world is a way to be able to connect and also to expand your skill and knowledge with others. In photography, collaborations are pretty well known and respected with most photographers and fans of certain photographers as well. Being able to connect with other photographers around the world can be helpful because it can lead to those collaborations and that can help you attract and broaden your audience and following.

2) Linkedin - This is actually a very interesting site that seems to be fairly easy to use and very easy to help you grow and expand as a business and as a professional. It seems to me that it doesn't just help you grow your business and help you find jobs, but also lets you expand your knowledge from what other are posting and even allows you to be able to help them with things you know that they are looking to learn. Sites like these are awesome in my opinion because it allows you to interact with others that are in your specific field or fields that can relate to yours.

3) Yelp - With the two most important sites out of the way, yelp is my third pick to help me expand my business. It is hard to explain how and why it can help your business grow especially now as people have become skeptical about the reviews posted on there as there have been companies that pay people to write good reviews about them to help attract customers. But as a photographer, it would be very difficult for me to be able to pay someone to write a review about me because I do not make a lot of money at what i do and money is definitely not the reason i do it. It can help me grow if someone is looking for a professional photographer and there happens to be a great and honest review, they may get in contact with me.

4) Feedly - Feedly seems like a network that could potentially work out for me very well if I had a big enough following. Since people would have to follow you to be able to see your work. It has the characteristics of a network that can potentially help out a lot of businesses. It could help me out by being able to advertise my work on my blog and people following be wherever they go since it can be downloaded for your smartphone.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Online Advertising: Marketing on Social Media

Marketing on social media can be a huge success for your and your business. It is very crucial to put your words in the right order in able to get the bang for your buck while advertising. It can make it or break it. It is hard to get your product out to the world if you do not advertise. You want to make sure that you are giving your customers a product that they will want to come back for again or buy a new product that you come out with in the future. You should make your website easy to navigate around so your customers and future customers are not wondering around your site looking for what they need. Make it simple and easy to find products. Going the paid advertising route is also a great idea if you know how to do it properly. You do not just want to throw your money away for advertising that may not even work. Plan out your ads before you go through with them so you can get the best results from them. You should also be active with your customers. Get back to their emails ASAP. Your customers are your main priority because they will be the ones buying and using the products. You can even do giveaways of some of your products to your customers.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blogs I Commented On




Online Advertising

A photography business is not the easiest to advertise because it is hard to generate enough money to be able to put out advertisements. Facebook advertising would be great for my business because there are so many people on Facebook and there is a good chance a substantial amount of people will see your page. I think placing a photography advertisement on facebook would be a great idea since there are a lot of people my age who do like photography and a lot of people who are trying to become models who might need their pictures taken so they can send them in. Facebook advertising would definitely be the way to go for me and by business because people take an interest in photography and there are a lot of those people on Facebook. As for Twitter, not as many people will see your Ad and its not as easy to be able to post what you want since you are limited to what you can say. Facebook would help me target those of all ages. Families that want to get family pictures, christmas cards, weddings, etc..
The Advertisement tags i chose were the most simplest ones targeting people who are just interested in photography. 

The second set i added words that would attract people who need a photographer for a certain event. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Blogs i commented on





As a photography business, there is not really that much that i could possible include in a newsletter. Since i do not really have anything to sell, besides taking the photos, there is not a whole lot to give deals on. If i were to do a newsletter, i would include discounted prices for an individual, a couple, weddings, and so on. If i were to end up sending out a newsletter, i would send it out twice a year. The reason i would send it out twice a year is because i need to make a living myself. So if i were to send it out, i could possibly gain new customers and they can also tell their friends or family who are looking to get some pictures done about my business. Since there are not many things that i could offer from a newsletter, i do not think my customers would mind because it is photography.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Categories that would go perfectly with my blog would be photography, models, photoshoot, nature, lights, and buildings. These categories would help my business grow in the biggest way because they are categories that people search for to find good photography and also categories that they can also benefit from since they will be able to see your work and maybe even hire you for events and photoshoots. In photography, people being able to see your work before they hire you is key, just like everything else.

Blogs I left comments on:


