Wednesday, November 6, 2013


As a photography business, there is not really that much that i could possible include in a newsletter. Since i do not really have anything to sell, besides taking the photos, there is not a whole lot to give deals on. If i were to do a newsletter, i would include discounted prices for an individual, a couple, weddings, and so on. If i were to end up sending out a newsletter, i would send it out twice a year. The reason i would send it out twice a year is because i need to make a living myself. So if i were to send it out, i could possibly gain new customers and they can also tell their friends or family who are looking to get some pictures done about my business. Since there are not many things that i could offer from a newsletter, i do not think my customers would mind because it is photography.


  1. I think for a newsletter you could offer promotional deals, or upcoming events which would help the success of your company. I do think because you are a photography business there is a sort of limited amount of promotional aspect so I agree by only sending it out twice a year.

  2. I agree with Kyle. Promotions are always a great reason to send out a newsletter. Additionally, I don't know if you thinkit would be a conflict of interest, but many people like to dabble in photography, including your customers. Maybe including a photography tip in your newsletter would go over well. I think everybody would like to take better pictures. Maybe talking about things like aperture or backlighting, etc. would be of interest to your customers. Just a thought.

  3. Yeah Kyle I love the promotions deal. I think it would be an awesome way to build a customer base, and families are always looking for portraits! Send it out around Christmas time, that would be perfect!

  4. In my opinion... as a photographer, you'll need to promote your experience, knowledge and type of photography you specialize in or prefer. Basically, you are selling yourself and a service and do need to touch base with your customers consistently... more than twice a year. Also, tips on taking their family photos would be a hit, information on any photography events or workshops you may offer, and any time you need a bit more work, you could offer a promotional coupon.
