Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thank you for a great experience!

My viewpoint on social media has definitely changed in the past 15 weeks. I came into this class with an open mind on social media and put what i have known aside for a little until this class was done. This class has taught me a lot of stuff that i did not know now that i even thought about. It is insane how you can advertise your business so effectively through social media. I have effectively learned how to find and promote business throughout social media. I really cannot be more thankful for the experience that i had during the time period of this class. Being on social media during this class made that experience so much better and also easier. I will use everything that i have learned while being enrolled into this class to help myself and others who may need help promoting their business through social media. Once again i am very thankful that i got to be involved with the beta of this class. It is an excellent class for everyone. No matter if you own a business or not. I hope EVERYONE has a successful experience with their businesses. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.


Kyle Donnelly :)


As a photography business, i think Tumblr,Instagram and Flickr would suit me the best for what i am trying to accomplish. Before i have even started my business, i used all three of these sites and i know them so well. For my number one site i would most definitely use Tumblr. The reason that would be my number one site is because for me, it seems like it is the best and easiest way to start growing your business. With your pictures being able to get hundreds of thousands of notes(reblogs and likes). The more notes that you get, the more it will attract customers to your business from all around the world. My second top site would be Instagram. Instagram is a great way to be able to share with your followers and be able to connect with them easily. Unlike Tumblr, Instagram is a lot more difficult to get out there because most likely the only people that will be liking your pictures or videos are people that follow you. Flickr would be the last site of my choice because it is the most outdated. For people to find your profile on Flickr is just not as simple as it is on the other two. Flickr seems like it is mainly for the photographers who have that deep passion for photography or for people who do it for a living.

I would love to be able to hosts contests for customers who are willing to pay for a photography class to learn the ins and outs of it. I could track peoples progress as they become more experienced and see who has the most developed pictures.

I would use these sites a lot because that is the way that i plan to get my business out there.

Tumblr - Everyday. Depending on when i have the most free time during my day to sit down and pick out with pictures i want to post and that have the most potential to become popular.

Instagram - I would use Instagram everyday since i can post right from my phone.

Flickr - I would only use Flickr on the weekends. I would have to pick out my best photos from what i have taken throughout the week and upload them. I would only pick out what i think would look the best because it is such a photography site.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More Social Strategy

Being a small business, I do not have the money to that would allow me to hire anybody to run my marketing strategies. I love being the only one that is currently involved in my business because if i make a mistake, i learn from that and do my absolute best to never make that mistake again. I do not see the need to hire anyone in the near future unless i absolutely need them. Although Facebook is the most popular social media outlet out right now, i just do not enjoy it. I will continue to update it and keep my followers posted on what is coming up and any promotions that are in the near future. I love running a blog and i will continue to do that. I love being able to post up some of the pictures that i take to keep people interested and for other people to see. I love using instagram. Instagram is a great social media outlet for photographers like myself. Being able to take pictures with my iPhone is great to keep my followers interested in my work just from my phone.

I post a lot on Instagram and i will continue to do that. For me, i think it is important to keep my followers updated and interested in what is going on with myself and also my business. With instagram i can use the hashtag feature to easily interact with my followers and also for contests. I plan to use Tumblr for my main website just because you can post up full pictures which is great for me. It also allows you to easily interact with your followers and is also easy to hold contests on.

There are other social media outlets that are great for a lot of businesses but i do not find them useful for my own. Twitter is a perfect example. Twitter does not do a whole lot for myself or for my business because it is not the best place to be able to share my pictures and a lot of people do not have it that would be interested in my type of work and even if i did have it, it would be the last thing on my list to check.

Google Analytics

1) Event Tracking - I think one of the best tools that i could use for my business would be the event tracker. The reason i think this would be the best tool that Google Analytics provides is because it would allow me to see the what the visitors like. Being able to see what the visitors like would benefit me because i could post more of what gets the most attention. Being able to interact and post what gets the most attention can give you the chance to really build your business. If there are people who really like what you are doing with your business, that may want them to share it with their friends or with people they know who will like it.

2) Goal Flow - Goal flow is another awesome tool because it allows you to see where they enter and where they leave. This would give me the chance to see where i can improve to make my site and also my work better. If they leave on a certain page, they may not like that page and that gives me the chance to improve on that certain work. Being able to navigate throughout my site is very important to me and when there is a site that is hard to navigate through, the whole experience is made up of just frustration. So being able to build a site that is very easy to navigate through means a whole lot to me and i hope the customers really appreciate that.


For me, i think a coupon that would give my customers a free photoshoot would be great because it would allow them to see if they like what kind of work i did and maybe make them want to use me for future shoots down the road. A free photoshoot would not include all of the little things that would come with a paid photoshoot, but if they wanted those little things done, maybe we could work a coupon out for that as well. Photoshoots can be kind of awkward so getting to work with people and them wanting to come back would make it awesome for the both of use because we would be getting to know eachother and it would also benefit me to get to know what they like.